Does Cooking Oil Freeze?

Ever wondered if cooking oil **freezes**? Many people use it every day for cooking, so finding out if it can turn solid when it gets cold is pretty important.

The process of solidifying cooking oil is complex, and the outcome depends on the type of oil and the temperature it’s exposed to. Certain cooking oils, such as coconut oil, can remain liquid even when exposed to extreme colds. There’s lots of benefits to freezing oil, such as preserving its shelf life. Read on to know why cooking oil freezes and what you should do if it does.

So Does Cooking Oil Freeze?

The answer is yes; cooking oil can indeed freeze. But different types of oil freeze at different temperatures. Read on to find out which temperature your cooking oil needs to be frozen at to solidify.

What Are The Factors That Affect The Freezing Of Cooking Oil?

There are a few factors that affect the freezing of cooking oil. The most important ones are the viscosity of the oil, its chemical composition, and the temperature to which it’s exposed.

The Viscosity of the Oil

The higher the oil’s viscosity, the longer it will take to freeze. Cooking oils with low viscosity, such as safflower and canola, freeze quickly. Coconut and olive oils have a higher viscosity and are, therefore, less likely to freeze.

The Chemical Composition of the Oil

A cooking oil with high saturated fat content, such as ghee and lard, freeze at lower temperatures. While cooking oils high in unsaturated fat, such as canola oil, are less likely to freeze. But they still have the potential to solidify in cold temperatures.

The Temperature at Which the Oil Is Exposed To

Oils that are exposed to low temperatures are more likely to harden. While oils exposed to temperatures above their freezing points will freeze quickly.

What Types Of Cooking Oil Are More Resistant To Freezing?

Below we go through a range of cooking oils, and how quickly they freeze, and how to freeze cooking oil.

Coconut Oil

The saturated fats in this oil can remain solid even when exposed to extreme cold. This makes it one of the most resistant cooking oils to freezing. It stays solid at room temperature and below, which makes it an excellent choice for vegan baking.


The high saturated fat content in ghee makes it highly resistant to freezing. Ghee is commonly used in Indian cuisine and is a traditional choice for Indian sweets.

Olive Oil

The high unsaturated fat content in this oil makes it less likely to freeze. For this reason, olive oil is a common choice for salad dressings and marinades.

Canola Oil

Although seed oils start to freeze at freezing temperatures, they solidify slowly, giving you enough time to remove the container and put it in the fridge. This makes it a good choice for salad dressings and dips.

Sunflower Oil

This oil is an interesting one, as it becomes creamy when you put it in your home freezer. It doesn’t completely solidify in the freezer though.

Peanut Oil

Surprisingly, it’s quite easy to freeze this oil, as it will solidify at 37°F. An easy way to freeze oil is by pouring it into an ice cube tray before putting it in your home freezer. This will increase the shelf life of your oil.

Does Vegetable Oil Freeze?

Yes, vegetable oil does freeze! Freezing vegetable oil can be extremely beneficial. This is because it has many uses, including frying, baking, and even removing splinters!

Unopened vegetable oil last 4 months in your pantry, but freezing vegetable oil can prolong its shelf life by 2 years, and is easy to do. Although, it’s best to use most vegetable oils a few months after freezing it. If you want your vegetable oil to freeze, place it in an container first.

Corn Oil

To freeze this oil, you’ll need to place it in extremely low freezing temperatures, as it has a freezing point of -4°F.

Avocado Oil

Freezing avocado oil is easier, as it becomes thicker and viscous at 0°F. It also looks cloudy as it starts to freeze.

What Should You Do If Your Cooking Oil Freezes?

If your cooking oil has frozen, you can thaw it in one of two ways. You can either leave it to sit at room temperature until it thaws or put it in the fridge until it becomes liquid again. If you put it in the fridge, make sure it’s in an airtight container to avoid the flavors of other foods contaminating it. This is especially important if the oil has been frozen for a long time. When thawing frozen cooking oil, remember that it will have changed its chemical composition.

Generally speaking, to avoid freezing your cooking oil, store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid leaving it in the kitchen if there is a risk of it getting too cold, such as near a fridge or air vents. It’s also important to keep your oil away from light, as UV rays can break down its molecules.

Does Cooking Oil Freeze Conclusion

The process of freezing cooking oil is complex, and every oil behaves differently. It all comes down to the chemical composition of the oil and the temperature it’s exposed to. Freezing oil has multiple benefits, which is why most households do it! Frying oil is definitely its most popular use, as it makes food extra crispy. Used cooking oil may take longer to freeze as it has previously been at a high temperature.

Make sure you store your cooking oil properly to prevent them from freezing.

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